This page is focus in teaching Portuguese speakers to speak English as a Second Language.


13 de fevereiro de 2011

Everybody/ Everyone DO ou DOES?

everybody, everyone (prons.) Estes pronomes indefinidos são gramaticalmente singular, mas teoricamente plural. Ambos everybody e everyone como sujeitos concordam regularmente com seus verbos no singular:  

Everybody is expected for dinner

Mas com os pronomes subsequentes podem assumir tanto o seu singular ou ficticiamente o plural their:  

Everyone is to bring his or her [their] calculators.
Someone/ somebody/ anybody/ nobody/ everybody/ everyone is, logo o auxiliar é DOES.

Does someone/somebody here know her?
There is anybody/nobody here now.
Everybody/everyone is special in a different way.
Everyone does what they want to.

Então, I think everybody does está correto.

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